2009年9月19日,Omaha, Nebraska。一个阳光明媚的日子。
所谓拳不离手啊,近年呆在米国鲜有涂脂抹粉的场合,几日前拿出瓶瓶罐罐来演习一番,信心大失:连两边眉毛都画不对称了!忙在网上找有关文章图片视频恶补一番理论知识,镜子放在电脑旁连练几次。我一共就1个多小时的时间,化成怎样就怎样了!接着得去一家沙龙做头发。找沙龙也不容易,想我从未有去发廊的需要,行情怎么着根本没数。几天前吃饭时间走到经常路过的一家就想约个时间,谁知人家还紧俏的很,周六早上最早得9点半,之前的都给订光了。只好继续在网上找,一个个打电话去问。最后定的那个沙龙在old market地区,离家倒是不远,价格属于偏高的,$65加小费-我还没提这是“新娘”发型,不然一般再多20。我提出将穿“中国式”的服装,希望发型可以相配,接电话的女士于是给推荐了他们最有经验的发型师Jim。当然还建议我提前去“试妆”,收费加倍。很当然地婉拒了。不过还是在18号办结婚文件的时候顺便过去了下,把服装和一些中式服装发型的照片给Jim看了下。(这个Jim看似个印第安人,好像四五十的样子,很是魁梧高大,长发,全身戴满各式首饰。我注意到球鞋上居然有只鸡蛋大的红色满钻hello kitty别针。)去之前老老实实在google map上打印张路线指南,因为上次是CS开车的,我的方向感又不咋地。居然照着指南也会迷路了,开进一家公司的后院,一个设路障的工人好心给我重新指路。到了old market地区又有点发怵:周六这个时候去famer’s market的人特多,要是找不到近的停车点就得穿着这红艳艳金闪闪的旗袍满街跑啊!还好,下车穿过马路就看到沙龙了。运气算不错!
Jim对我的旗袍很是称赞了一番。他说他最喜欢红色。看来是真的,他那天几乎满身是红的。盘发过程和国内差不多,电热卷卷下用夹子夹住,最终成品嘛,只能说中规中矩,10年前影楼里造型都差不多那样,和现在的新鲜花样是比不了了。付掉80大洋打道回府,到家CS正在换西服, 五月份在国内时爸爸妈妈买给他的太子龙。他从同事那传染了感冒,一边吸鼻子一边问我还有没领带夹,他的忘带了。我说领带夹没有,发夹有,就替代下吧,别下面点就行了。一别效果还不错。我们最后在镜子里打量一番,驱车前往bayliss公园。
到那摄影师Seth已到了。也有不少闲杂人等在拍照什么的。闲聊几句后童装公司的朋友Jake和Belinda夫妻俩还有Beckwith法官也来了。大家都对公园和CS的西装赞不绝口,反没“专门”称赞下我的旗袍,哼哼。大家一边等着CS的父母姐姐(从York开车过来), 一边拍了些照片。法官和他父母在我们的证书上签好字,还说他可以代我们传给登记处(不然我们得自己交过去或者寄过去),不错!
我们站到公园的圆顶小亭里,我和CS面对面,中间是法官,其余则成一排站在法官对面。一直在电视电影里看到的婚礼仪式都是问一大串“你是否如何如何”的问题后新人回答说I Do的,我们的婚礼誓词是另一种方式。
We are gathered here to unite CS and Liz in marriage, which is held in honor among people. As CS and Liz pledge their constant and abiding love to each other, they enter into this relationship with a hope to share a mutual love and concern for one another. Love is one of the greatest of life’s experiences. It brings meaning and happiness to our lives. To freely accept from and give to each other as lovers and friends in life’s joys,the daily companionship, the pleasure of doing things together or in doing separate things, is a continuous and central part of what two people who love each other can share.
(大意: 我们在此欢聚,以婚礼这种庄严的方式结合CS和Liz。当他们对彼此承诺恒久不变的爱的时候,他们进入了一种希望共享互爱和关怀的关系。爱是生命中最伟大的经历,它给我们的生命带来了意义和幸福。在生活的欢乐中象爱人和朋友一样自由地接受和给予,每日的相伴,一起或分别做一件事时的欢愉,是两个相爱的人所能持续分享的核心内容。)
The marriage into which the two of you are about to enter is on which you promise to fulfill and share each other’’s lives. The success of your marriage depends on the love and consideration that you foster and nourish in the years ahead. This marriage can only be created by loving purpose, be maintained by abiding will and be bonded together by you love for one and another.
I, CS/Liz, take you, Liz/CS to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from the day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful husband/wife in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, in times of joy, and in times of sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you, to cry with you, to stay with you for all eternity, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
(大意: 我, CS/Liz, 愿意娶/嫁你Liz/CS 作为我的妻子/丈夫, 我终生的朋友, 我忠实的伴侣, 我从今起惟一的真爱。在我们的家人和朋友面前,我庄严地承诺成为你忠实的丈夫/妻子,无论是健康或是疾病, 顺境或是逆境, 快乐或是忧愁。我承诺,我将毫无条件地爱你,支持你的目标,以你为荣,敬爱你,和你一起欢笑,一起哭泣,疼惜你,与你相守,直到永永远远。)
接着我们交换戒指,同时说:This ring I give, in token and pledge, of our constant faith and everlasting love。(我给你的这只戒指,是我们承诺之信物,代表着我们不变的信念和永久的爱)
Now you will feel no rain
For each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no more loneliness
For each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two bodies
But there is only one life before you,
Go now to your dwelling place
To enter into the days of togetherness,
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.
CS and Liz having consented together in marriage and having witnessed the same before this company and thereto having pledged your faith, by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Nebraska, I pronounce that you are husband and wife.
(CS和Liz已在婚礼中一起同意并承诺了你们的信念, 以内布拉斯加州赋予我的权力, 我宣你们成为夫妻。)